
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An Example of Christmas Spirit

I am sure I am not the only person that loves Christmas. I love this holiday for the real meaning of Christmas. Not the gifts, the parties or any material item that money can buy. I believe this is a holiday that should be full of love, with your family or people that you care for.It is not a day to be fake, angry or holding grudges. If there were no gifts it would still be Christmas and it should still be just as special.
An example of the meaning of Christmas to me...

I have an amazing friend that has been feeling the Christmas spirit and he has been spreading the joy for an entire year now. I love him and his unique personality. Please do not think he has always been as giving as Santa Claus. In fact when I met him a few years ago he was so superficial and very materialistic (he is frowning as he reads this). He tells the story better of what made him change, so watch this video and hopefully it will inspire others to be as kind and generous.

Make sure you share this special video with your loved ones, friends, family & of course your social media. The Christmas spirit is contagious, go and spread it!

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