
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Celebrating Dia de los Muertos

Elle sporting her Day of the Dead make up

Check out her blog beautythe-elleway
I'm thrilled our new generation is exploring Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead and learning more about this long time tradition. This year I saw so many people with their faces made up in the traditions that normally you only see in other countries that take this celebration seriously. 

Here in Houston we had the opportunity to see a play named Nuestras Vidas (Our Lives) by Manuel Nava Leal. I have to say that it was a play worth watching. It is playing all weekend at Talento Bilingue de Houston located near Downtown Houston. 
We attended yesterday on opening night which fell on the 1st day of the celebration of Día de los Muertos. I do not want to say anything about the play (you should watch it yourself) but I will say that the plot falls perfectly with Day of the dead. Leal put together a very interesting story line. I'm looking forward to any new projects he may have. 

After the play still in her costume Ana Isabel Moreno

My favorite part of the play was the main actress Ana Isabel Moreno. She stole the show! Moreno has perfect comedic timing, I think that is what they call it in the acting world. She also happens to be the Founder and Executive Director of A.R.T.E., Asociación para el Reconocimiento de Talento Escondido.

Talento Bilingue put together an opening night reception filled with the perfect art for the day, photography and several altars all in the spirit of Día de los Muertos. Magda Bowen visual artist was there showcasing her vibrant paintings. I was able to pick her brain about art and she gave me some supportive advise. She was so friendly and humble. If only I was not on starving art student budget I sure wanted to buy one of her paintings. My favorite of course was sold before I even had the chance to talk to her. Signs of my great taste. ☺

With Magda Bowen and some of her amazing paintings

Día de los Muertos is an important day in the Hispanic community because of our roots to our countries. Even though there are some people that believe this is only a Mexican celebration. Incorrect information, I am from Guatemala and we celebrate this tradition as well. It may have originated in Mexico but it now celebrated in many countries. It is a day to remember and celebrate the lives of our loved ones that have passed away. I think this is the reason I love skulls and people think of it as weird because they associate that with death/bad/evil, well it isn't! Death can also be celebrated and this is a wonderful example of it.

Just one way an altar can be decorated
 Photo credit ©Eneas
In celebrating the Day of the Dead and important part of it is an altar. Individual and creatively unique altars are made for our loved ones to celebrate their life. There is no right or wrong ways to make an altar. It is completely up to you to make it as personal as you want to make you feel emotionally connected. You can include photographs of your loved one, water because it is considered the source of life, candles represent faith and hope, flowers, some of the favorite items such as candy, music, food or pan de muerto or bread of the dead. 

A small altar for my mom

Today is what I believe has been my only Saturday off in weeks and it is perfect. The house to myself and my thoughts. Which today correspond to my mother that is no longer with me. I celebrate her life with Día de los Muertos remembering all the good things, and many stories that my poor husband has to hear numerous times.

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