
Monday, July 7, 2014

Birthday Week: Travel & Reflexion

I feel that birthdays are like Valentine's day, people give you gifts, chocolates, stuffed animals etc.. I rather get that attention, a gift for no reason, a call on any given day than only on my birthday. I got so many texts this birthday, some from people I hardly talk to. It was weird texting back to thank them because we never talk. I almost said that in my text. But I'm trying to be a nicer person. Same thing with social media, of course Facebook reminds all your "friends" that its your birthday. What if Facebook took away that feature? hmmm...

I'm seriously fine with not really celebrating my birthday but I do get excited about birthday gifts from those who love me and aim to surprise me. I guess when I say celebration, I mean a party or a big gathering. I'm a person who doesn't care to be around tons of people especially if I'm not close to them.

This year my birthday fell on MY summer, its my last summer off as a student before I come a REAL adult. I have been focused on me, what I want out of life and finding myself. So my birthday was not anything different. I choose to stay home and go out only with my hubby that night to have fun. It was a relaxing dinner, the type of fun we have all the time, the foodies that we are. No friends, no party, no get together and I was OK with that. I mean if my friends really wanted to get together or taken me out to lunch or dinner they could have asked. Right? Right. 

With my friend out for Birthday lunch...

I have 2 birthdays I'm special, jaja. I have a paper birthday and the next day which my mother always said was my real birthday.So on my fake birthday my in laws came over early in the morning and brought me several presents. That was sweet, they don't have to give me presents but they always do. Just that they came so early before going to work was so sweet. I didn't even open my gifts right away because the gift was them coming over period. George had to remind me to open the presents.

My first birthday gifts ♥

That night Hubby had to twist my arm to go to dinner. I didn't want a yuppy place just because it was my birthday. Plus I don't like stuffy places, I like getting pretty and dressing up but I'm not big on the fake environment of the wannabes. There is a difference from a nice place and a yuppy place. So we walked around Town Center and nothing was catching my eye, not to mention every restaurant was empty and it was dinner time. Not a good sign.  So I get on my instagram and I know how I'm going to find a place to eat something good, my friends at BestFoodHouston. Yeah we are cool, they understand that most people respond to a visual ad. That's where we found a picture that turned my birthday into Hubby's Igottahavedinner. Yes all together as one word!

Thanks to @thachadwick who shared this
with BestFoodHouston and we got to see this.

So this is the picture we saw, and made George convinced he must go there now. We find it, we wait in line because it was 2 days after their grand opening. Bernie's Burger Bus was a truck food prior to the restaurant in Bellaire. Either way it turned into a fun foodie night for me and the husband. I think that is a happy birthday, as long as you enjoy it no matter who with or where as long as its genuine.
This was our picture of
The Detention Burger, it is huge!
I made Hubby share it with me.

Their shakes are AMAZING!
This was the Apple Pie flavor, it was
 like having a piece of pie in my mouth!

On my real birthday I slept in, alot. I think my body was still recovering from the semester from HELL that was last semester. Later I played with presents. Hubby gave me something I wanted, camera equipment. Quiet time just for me. I'm not scared to be alone, I enjoy my quiet time its a way to analyse and think things through.


Friday of course was 4th of July, America's birthday and my best friend's birthday. She is far away in California but we are still very close. We took the in laws to see fireworks, we had played it by ear because we had originally thought of going on a road trip, then decided to go see fireworks. Since we had not planned for it all the tickets were all gone for Sugar Land fireworks, we went to Stafford and it was empty it didnt look like the place to celebrate, we ended up at Houston's Miller outdoor theater. The weather didn't look very good and we had Mochito they would not allow him in the covered area so we choose to go home. We made it a take out and movie night at our house. It poured like crazy that night so we know that we made a good choice of heading home.

My baby, I couldn't leave him home

Next day we were off on a roadtrip the four of us. Destination Georgetown, TX to Innerspace Caverns. We made a small stop at La Grange, we wanted to see the Chicken Ranch or as its better known The Best Little Whore House in Texas. Too bad we couldn't see it, it has been moved to Dallas. I know who picks up a house that was that famous from a small town that could generate tourism to a huge city that doesn't need help with tourism. Oh well I guess that's their business.

©Leslie Guzman
Strolling through La Grange, TX
©Leslie Guzman
Had no idea of such a thing as cucumber lemons existed
©Leslie Guzman
You can barely see my mother in law
with this giant tree 

Cavern time!!! Never been so I was like a little girl ready to explore. All was awesome except the actual kids. There were so many in different age groups. This huge I will guess 10 year old almost ran over my little mother-in-law several times. Did the parents say anything? Nope. Back to the caverns, so cool. I wanted to see bats, I didn't know that not all of them have bats. Very sad face, but still I thought that it was a great thing to explore.

Before we headed into deeper parts of the cavern

©Leslie Guzman
Hubby with his parents

No food makes hubby and me cranky, so we wanted something good and close by. So I had done my viral research, while in the backseat. Same restaurant came coming up, Monument Cafe as a must eat. I still kept checking but everything brought me back to this place. Even our Triple D, Dinners, Drive-in and Dives who hubby trusts his judgement in yummy food.

©Leslie Guzman
Monument Cafe

So we arrive, its a dinner setting, but really nice. The staff very friendly greet us and I say its our first time. Save room for pie was their answer. We ask for suggestions, they tell us peoples favorites and what Guy ordered, so that's what I got. It was good but not the best thing I ever had. We all were satisfied but not that impressed. Then we ordered pie. They should call it, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Pie. That was the best pie have ever tasted, I almost wished hubby & I wouldn't have shared. It was that good.

The BEST tasting PIE ever!

Wandering in the garden

They have a very cute market as well

That was the end of our road trip, we were stuffed and tired. We drove back the scenic route. Had a great time with our in-laws. They got to do something out of their normal routine and we got to show another couple how we are travel addicts.

Sunday, the last day of my birthday week. I was excited to go get my beautiful blue his house. That was my birthday present from my in-laws, a gorgeous fish. I thought I wouldn't like having a fish, I was so wrong, he entertains me so much.

©Leslie Guzman
My gorgeous blue fish

Summary of my birthday week, relaxing, me, myself and I, rainy 4th, road trip and yummy food. Maybe next year I will feel like celebrating after all I will be done with college and a full time adult...

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