
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Resolutions and Life Changes

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Good Riddance 2013!!!!

OK so 2013 was not all bad but it was not the best and it was so stressful. Between taking on a new job and adjusting to it and school I hardly ever saw the hubby. The husband always the hard worker took on the challenge of starting his own business while still having a full time job.

We strayed away from all our past years resolutions and any social life all together. This New Year that we BOTH claim to be our year we are focusing on new changes and sticking to them. I know everyone says that every new year but in our case we have big plans and in order to make those a reality we have to first do the small steps. So we set out to make our own and joint goals for 2014.

 The Anderson Goals for 2014

1. Our House

The house we live in was hubby’s investment home that we stayed in much too long. It is our house but not our home. For one reason or another we have not finished the remodeling that the house needs to put on the market. That’s it, in 2014 we must finish it and hopefully sell it all in this amazing year.

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OK so our house doesn't look this bad, but it has had its moments.

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Planning for our future home makes me happy

2. Staying in Love

We have always made time for date night, just hubby and me. This year between both of our busy lives we strayed from that. Date night this year consisted of dinner and not much else. We were both so tired from our week that we became homebodies on our time off. We both promise to take time away and actually spend time together, staying in love. Remembering all the many reasons we got married.

3. Getting in Shape

I know everyone says this and we have too.We both did very well in 2012 getting ready for our wedding. We both have little hiccups with our health that makes it harder to loose weight but super easy to gain weight. We both found out our issues in 2013 so now we know what we have to do.

We wore black it hides everything!

4. More time with Family

We are both close to our families yet somehow we do not spend as much time as we should have with them. Holidays can not be the only time to get together. Our nephew is getting bigger by the second and we can’t miss on that. This also means our family members that do not live in Texas.

5. Devote time to our Friends

I have to say we have very understanding friends that know what we have had going on in 2013 but we can’t abuse kind hearts. I always say friendships are like relationships it must be nurtured to stay alive. If that was true our friendships would be dead! Thank God for our loving friends.

6. Traveling

We both share the love of traveling. In part is because I’m from a beautiful country and hubby was instilled to travel by his family. We try to go somewhere each year to get away and we did go to Italy this year. But we strayed from our random close to home trips. Of course going back to no time and becoming homebodies on our spare time.
In Verona, Italy

In Salerno, Italy

In Florence, Italy

7.Individual Goals

People love to think that once you get married you are no longer yourself but an "US". That is the furthest from the truth. You do learn to share, but still have your own interests, friends, likes and passions. So this year we both agreed to devote more time to OUR own interests, people and activities.

I know that the resolutions we have made might sound like too much, but with desire we can make them happen at least most of them. We are holding ourselves accountable and we have discussed these goals with our inner circle too for the same reason.

What is the point of working so hard and trying to achieve success if we you don’t have, family or friends to share it with? Or not getting to see new things or exploring the city and the world. Lack of time is no longer our reason because we have decided to work on our time management. We also know that we can’t waste time on people that will not be part of our lives in the long run or things that do not matter. We plan on seeing more concerts, playing more golf, girls & guys night out and ending 2014 with a bang to celebrate all our accomplishments with those we love.

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