
Friday, October 24, 2014

Living a Happy & Blessed Life

©Leslie Guzman
Image from the Blood Moon
It's been a tough few months. So much going on in both of our lives and not to mention that we did not get away this summer for a much needed vacation. Which only means no time to relax and regroup. So yes these past few months have been lets say kind of brutal. 

I'm going to blame it on Mars retrograde. This year there were three! We are still experiencing the last one and it is almost over. 

No travel makes The Andersons cranky. We have come to that conclusion this morning as a matter of fact. We agreed we can not do this again. So I'm on the look out for our next vacation. Not a huge one because I cant take time off of school being that I'm 2 months (49 days) away from graduating. I wanted to have an excuse to travel for my graduating gift to myself, but no one wants to go away for the holidays. Bummer!!!

Like I was explaining above bad, horrible, stressful few months. I realized that we cant let the bad things that surround us take over. If we allow that to happen we let it take over our spirits and energy. If we surround ourselves with negative people we will become that, negative. I have always heard a saying Show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are. I did not fully understood it or didn't think it was true. I always thought I was myself and no one could make me change. WRONG! People that we spend our time with shape our lives because they influence us good or bad.  

I wish I would have understood that earlier in life. We need to embrace people with the qualities that we respect. Make a list, you know I love lists. 
  • God Fearing
  • Positive
  • Loyal
  • Respectful
  • Goal Oriented

I have few close people that I consider FRIENDS. I have many acquaintances, co-workers, classmates and many other labels that doesn't really matter. Trust is a delicate thing that we should not give away so easily. I have been guilty of that recently. Lesson learned.

Its time to regroup and change the way I have been living my life. Its time to analyze who I have let in my inner circle that should continue to be small. I had brunch with two lovely ladies who happen to be all the things in my list by the way. Having our girl talk and discussing our futures I realized that this is more of what I need. We discussed God, our goals and life all in positive ways. To live a blessed life you must keep God present and with good people around you that also include God in their lives. 

I started writing this post a few weeks ago. Since then my life is getting better slowly but I can see the difference. I explained it to my husband that it was like if I had car wax on me and all the negative things just fall right off. I know it probably isn't the best way to explain it but that is how I envisioned it. 

I have put distance between those that drain the spirit. I'm also trying to surround myself with people that show light. Someone recently told me, Light attracts light. I believe it and that is what I'm looking for people with the light.

Life is GOOD!

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