
Monday, September 17, 2012

Small Talk with Houston's Victoria Negrete

Victoria Negrete

We all take a small break out of our very busy days, some people nap, others shop and a few blog (like me). Sweet Houston's own Victoria Negrete answers questions for me. We should support her in her pursuit in making her dreams come true in Hollywood. A few things you might already know of her if you follow her on Twitter or on her fan page on Facebook:

Victoria was born in beautiful Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico. In 1994 her family migrated to the United States and Houston TX became her new home. Attending school in Houston, she entered a singing contest, that lead her to find her passion. Her family moved briefly to Miami Florida in 2000 to continue her pursuit of her singing career. She was able to participate in the international television show, Sabado Gigante.

Back in Houston, TX in 2005 she signed a contract with Ford Motor Company and had the opportunity to be the opening singer for Pablo Montero, all over Texas. In 2007 she competed in the, Quinto Festival del Mariachi: Desde Disney, hosted by Univision.
She participated in Houston's Lil Flip music video named "Kim Kardashian". Soon after Victoria moved to Los Angeles, California to follow her dream. Where she is now competing in the contest Tengo Talento Mucho Talento.

"This is the start of something big and I wont give up on my dream. I've had highs and lows in life but wherever I am on that roller coaster I willingly embrace it. I am enjoying life to the fullest and dare to dream big." 

                                                                      - Victoria

Victoria Negrete

Me: We all love your name Victoria.

Victoria: Awe, thank you! 

Victoria Negrete

Me: We know you currently live in L.A. for your career, but where do you call Home Sweet Home?

Victoria: Wow, that's a hard one because of the fact that I was raised in 2 different states exactly half of my life. In Miami FL. and Houston Texas. But I definitely call Houston home that's where I have my childhood memories, family and friends which I LOVE!

Me: Well Houston loves you too pretty lady!!!

Victoria Negrete

Me: Why music? When did you find out that you had this talent?

Victoria: Music came from my family, I remember I was about 4 years old and my grandma gave me my first Selena cassette and threw a huge birthday party for me, dressed me up and let me sing an dance in front of my family in the living room. My uncle is a DJ in Mexico and since then every time he would take out the boom box, Victoria would perform at her family parties! Hahaha

Me: I remember those days, Selena inspired so many young girls.

Me: Everyone sees you on camera and singing as a beautiful woman, but what would you tell your fans about the different layers of Victoria? 

Victoria: This is a good question! I always thought of myself as an extremely humble person. I do not let what I do define me as a person. Even though I take good care of my appearance I still relate to every woman and how they feel. Because I've been lied to, cheated on, tagged as a big woman, or as a thin woman trying to "make it". But reality is that my voice has over come all that pain inside me by saying what I have to say with my songs ;) 

Me: Being one of those that have gotten chills and you have made me cry with a couple of your songs, I say YES you have.

Me: What do you think is your best and worst quality as a person that people may not know?

Victoria: My best is my humbleness, loyalty and ability to listen. My worst is I'm very sensitive towards negativity. And sometime that can make you look weak but deep inside I'm actually a very strong woman. That's what I want my girls to look inside of them! 

Me: Amen!

Me: You know that there were amazing stars, legends for a better word of the past, both in Latin and American media. Who would you relate to?

Victoria: I love Etta James. She's to me the representation of soul. Selena is one of my biggest inspirations. But who got me to be on stage for the first time is Ana Barbara. The reason I sing now....

Me: How amazing and now you have the opportunity to sing for Ana Barbara, in Tengo Talento Mucho Talento!!!

Victoria Negrete at the Festival del Mariachi

Me: I think you are so beautiful, and many other people do too. You have a lot of female fans and young ones, what would you tell them that may give them courage about physical appearance? Or to feel confident that maybe you wished someone told you at a younger age...

Victoria: I'm so happy you asked me this. See I was always looked at under a microscope. I believe that when you find that perfect balance in your life grasp on it as much as you can and not let go! I remember I was about 13 years old when a music producer told me I could sing good but that I needed to loose weight. Instead of beating myself up, I proved to them that you can have all the package. Because then, who can stop you?!

I will tell all my young fans to follow their hearts and work hard for their goal! Dreams come true and looks aren't all! Trust ME! That hasn't stopped me, I keep dreaming and keep fighting! Never loose sense of who you TRULY are!! There's no set path, just follow your heart, and you will forever be happy you did ;)

Me: I WILL Francia!!!!

Victoria Negrete

Me: What is your current relation ship status? In a relationship or “its complicated”? lol

Victoria: All I can say is that I'm in a very "serious relationship" with my career! And "it is complicated" when it comes to me ;) heehee.... After all I am a cancer and a hopeless romantic! 

Me: Please, you have them beating at your door!

Victoria Negrete

Me: Right now we know you are competing in Tengo Talento Mucho Talento, and we are all rooting for you! How do you feel to be in this competition? Tell us how you got in?

Victoria: I got into Tengo Talento Mucho Talento because of a friend of mine named Hector. He heard me sing once and said "you should audition!" and so I went and got the amazing opportunity of getting chosen.

I feel extremely proud of myself! I've been away from my family and friends for 2 years. Have spent Christmas and New Years alone, and it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. No one said it would be easy but it has definitely shown that it can be worth it, and I can't thank all my followers, family and friends enough for all their amazing support I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Me: Well you tell us when and where, we will call, text and hold up "Victoria we LOVE YOU" signs!! You have your fan club here in Houston, TX.

Victoria Negrete

Me: Tell your loyal fans and future fans to come, where they can find you. 

Francia: You can find me on: 
Instagram: @victorianegreteoficial  
Facebook Page: Victoria Negrete

Me: We cant wait to hear more from you my dear. We KNOW we will.

Victoria: To all my fans, make sure you follow my friend's blog Life with Salsa. Thanks everyone!!

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